Our office address No 32, Jalan Wirawati 6, Taman Maluri, 0 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Our Contact Numbers Tel : Fax :
For Location Map, click here

Last updated : February 10,

Thank you for visiting MVFRA!
We hope that you will enjoy your visit to our website.
Please bear with us as we make changes to the site.
The site would be updated depending on the up coming activities.
Take care and be safe.
NSTP-PwC Malaysian Humanitarian Award
Cecil Rajendra
 National Cancer Society Malaysia |
Balasupramaniam Krishnan
NSTP-PwC Malaysian Humanitarian Award 52 nominations have been submitted for this year's NSTP-PwC Malaysian Humanitarian Award for three different categories, namely the Young Humanitarian category (23 nominations), Lifetime Humanitarian category (18 nominations) and Team Humanitarian category (10 nominations)..... more details
 IN LIGHTER VEIN: Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak shares a moment with Balasupramaniam Krishnan, who won the Young Humanitarian category of the NSTP-PwC Malaysian Humanitarian Award. On Najib's right is Cecil Rajendra, who bagged the Lifetime Humanitarian title. more news |
Dua individu, NCSM menang anugerah kemanusiaan NSTP-PwC KUALA LUMPUR: Dua individu dan sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), dipilih sebagai penerima Anugerah Kemanusiaan Malaysia The New Straits Times Press (Malaysia) Bhd-PricewaterhouseCoopers (NSTP-PwC) tahun ini. berita penuh
Tak harap balasan khidmat sukarela KUALA LUMPUR: K Balasupramaniam yang dipilih menerima Anugerah Kemanusiaan Muda The New Straits Times Press (M) Bhd (NSTP)-PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), menyifatkan pengiktirafan itu sebagai lambang kesungguhan golongan muda negara ini melaksanakan kerja sukarela. berita penuh |

Our heartfelt congratulations to Vol. L/ Corp. K. Puvanendran & Geetha
 Their wedding ceremony was held on Sunday 13-11- at Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Ampang Tasik Permai.

We wish them a lifetime of happiness!!

Our heartfelt congratulations to Vol. Sgnt. Sharul Ariffin & Zaileen
The best wishes from everybody here at MVFRA! Luck and forever happiness to you both!
Click here to view more photos...!

Fundraising Notice MVFRA is seeking your kind financial contribution for the purchase of a new ambulance, costing nearly RM 120,000.00.
Todate, we have collected RM 6.50, generously contributed by:-
YB Datin Chong Kwei Kee, Ms. Loh Sock Yee |
The Ladies from |
Staff of TIME DotCom Berhad |
Staff of CIMB |
Staff of Kurz Production (M) S/B |
Staff of Dupont Powder Coatings (M) S/B |
Staff of ProJET Malaysa S/B |
Staff of Cadbury Confectionery (M) S/B |
Staff of Diethelm (M) S/B |
Staff of Diethelm (M) S/B |
Staff of CIMB |
We appreciate all the we receive. If you wish to make a personal to assist us, Cheque should be made payable to "PERSATUAN BOMBA SUKARELA" with writing "MVFRA Ambulance Fund" at the reverse side of the cheque and forward to:
The Chairman - MVFRA
For corporate contributions, kindly contact us at or email :
MVFRA International Disaster Assistance Acheh Tsunami Disaster, North Sumatra
Following to the massive earthquake occurred off the West Coast of Northern Sumatra on 26 December , our team of 6 personnel has been deployed to join the Rescue and Recovery Operation at the tsunami affected areas in Acheh, Indonesia.
On a week long operation, the team has assisted the local government of Acheh in the Rescue and Recovery Operation, assess the situation on the ground as well as formulate and provide further rehabilitation assistance where necessary.
These included liaising with the Disaster Operation Commander and operation center on site in getting the mandate and scope of work, collaborating and networking with local and international agencies to ensure efficient and effective operations.
 From left : Vol. Corporal Noor Amali B. Mahat, Vol. Lans-Corporal R. Ramakrishnan, Vol. Sgnt Teresa Lim, Vol. Capt. K. Balasupramaniam, Vol. Lt. Anita Lim and Vol. Sgnt Sharul Ariffin
Tsunami is a Japanese word with the English translation, "harbor wave." Represented by two characters, the top character, "tsu," means harbor, while the bottom character, "nami," means "wave." (Quote from Univ. of Washington, Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences "Tsunami! website).
News Highlighted.....
OUR SPECIAL THANKS to :- "Thank you for your invaluable support and toward our Search, Rescue and Relief mission in Aceh"




MVFRA International Disaster Assistance Bam Earthquake, Iran


Click here for more details....
Yo!diari perantau, UTUSAN MALAYSIA SABTU, January 31,
Bam Musnah Sekelip Mata Oleh K. Balasupramaniam Sepanjang perjalanan, di kira dan kanan kami dipenuhi dengan runtuhan bangunan serta khemah sementara yang menempatkan mangsa..................

MVFRA Children Safety Educational Programmes
< td width="42%">

Date : March 11,
Organized by : Tadika Diana, TTDI
Venue : Tadika Diana, TTDI
This session is organized by Tadika Diyana for school children to learn how to escape and save themselves in the event of fire.
School children practice "Stop, Drop and Roll". They try stop moving, get down on the ground, cover their faces and roll around on the ground to put out a fire on their bodies.
They also practice what to do in a fire by doing the exercise, "Crawl Low Under Smoke."
One of the most fun-filled activities was the fire engine ride whereby the children get a chance to ride on a real fire truck.
This teaches them not to be afraid of fire trucks or of the personnel--should they every really need them.


Date : June 5,
Organized by : Partyfriends
Venue : Damansara Heights
This session is organized by Partyfriends as a school holiday programme for kids to learn fire safety.
Click here for more photos...

Date : September 11,
Organized by : Alstom Power Asia Pacific S/B
Venue : Rumah Anak Yatim Dusun, Kg. Sungai Buaya, Kuala Langat
Click here for more photos...

Date : September 18,
Organized by : Partyfriends
Venue : Damansara Heights
Click here for more photos...
Date : October 01,
Organized by : 
Venue : Great Eastern Mall, Jalan Ampang
Click here for more photos...
Date : December 14, 
Organized by : 
Venue : MIECC, Mines Seri Kembangan.
Click here for more photos...
Date : July 17, Venue : Main Entrance, One Utama Shopping Complex
Guest of Honor YB Datuk Dr. M. Kayveas Deputy Minister in Prime Minister Department
Sponsored by 
LeRUN Industries S/B
Date : December 15,
Organized by : 
Venue : MIECC, Mines Seri Kembangan.
Click here for more photos...
ExxonMobil’s Edu-Camp This training is conducted for ExxonMobil’s Edu-Camp at ABC Training Resort, Janda Baik on October 02, .
Click here for more photos...
organized by Partyfriends on Nov. 20, at Taman Rimba Ampang
click here to view more photos..!!
organized by OSH Dynamics on Nov. 27, at Taman Rimba Ampang
click here to view more photos..!!
Charity Screening : LADDER 49 Oct. 13, / Sunway Pyramid / 8pm A Fund Raising Screening for MVFRA Children Fire Safety Programme “The Fire Kids Club Safety Workshop”. The fund raised will enable the association to educate more children throughout the country to learn fire safety and train how to escape and save themselves in the event of fire.
Click here for more launching photos...!!
News Highlighted.....

Wales Trade International (WTI) WalesTrade International was created by the Welsh Assembly Government to raise awareness of overseas opportunities, overcome any issues and take away the dear factor of trading internationally.
Acting as a driving force in establishing alliances between Welsh companies and their counterparts overseas, its vision is to make Wales one of the best trading environments worldwide.
Offers professional guidance.
Helps Welsh companies gain deeper knowledge of international trading.
Assists companies in developing trading relationships.
Uses a proactive approach to finding opportunities. |
Works alongside both parties (in Wales and overseas) to provide support and advice. |
Guides projects from "concept to completion".
Helps secure mutually beneficial agreements.
MVFRA Delegation to Wales (March 12 – 18, )
Our special thanks to:-
Mr. Tim Gorin International Trade Counselor Welsh Assembly Government
Mr. Dafydd Goronwy-Roberts Export Development Counselor Welsh Assembly Government
Ms. Karen Williams International Business Adviser Welsh Assembly Government
Ms. Jocelyn Lim Vice President - International Trade Development Singapore and Asia Pacific Wales Trade International
Thank you for having confidence on MVFRA's ability to make things work.

Malaysian Boost for Welsh Emergency Equipment Firms
North Wales's growing reputation as a world-class centre of rescue equipment manufacturing and training has been further boosted by a visit from a Far Eastern delegation of fire and rescue experts.
The six-strong team from the Malaysian Voluntary Fire and Rescue Association (MVFRA) travelled more than 10,000 miles to see for themselves the expertise and technology Welsh firms have developed in this specialist field. They were hosted during the visit by WTI.
Companies visited by the mission included The Outreach Organisation, Blizzard Protection Systems Ltd and Medical Gas Solutions Ltd.
Peter Griffiths, director of Blizzard, commented: "This was an extremely worthwhile exercise for our business. We certainly could not have afforded to venture into Malaysia on a speculative basis, and bringing together like-minded representatives from an overseas purchaser is an excellent method for promoting exports."

Visit Outreach Rescue Training Centre 
Outreach Rescue has for many years operated a range of incident response and rescue programmes. They are operated in conjunction with the UK fire Service College, Moreton-in-March and the Centre for Disaster Management, Coventry University.
Clients include numerous private and public sector organisations, emergency services, universities and colleges; their partnership with Coventry University Centre for Disaster Management has approximately 200 students on Disaster Response degree programmes. Their clients in the period - were drawn from over twenty nations outside the UK.
Courses Offered.....
- Rope Rescue Operators Course - Rope Rescue Supervisors Course - Rope Rescue Supervisors 3 Day Re-accreditation Course - Rope Working and Casualty Extrication in USAR Course - Safe Working at Height and Basic Rescue Procedures Course - Water Rescue One Technician Course - Water Rescue One Instructor Skills Course - Water Rescue One Instructor Skills 3 Day Re-accreditation Course - Water Rescue Two Course (Specialist Rescue and Search Response) - Water Rescue Two 3 Day Re-accreditation Course - Water Rescue Two Instructor Skills Course - Water Rescue Two Instructor Skills 3 Day Re-accreditation Course - Powered Boat for Rescue Response Course - Management of Search Operations for Land and Water Incidents Course - Restricted Space Working & Casualty Handling Course - Management Issues in Specialist Rescue Course - Casualty Management Specialist in Rescue Course
To know more about Outreach Rescue, please visit www.outreachrescue.com or you may contact:-
Mr. Tony Griffiths Outreach Rescue
Tel : Fax : Email :

Met Mr. Paul from Abtech Safety Ltd
Abtech Safety Limited is a leading name in the manufacture and distribution of personal protection equipment for height safety and confined space safety systems. Abtech's firm foundations have been built around the company's strict adherence to the ISO quality system, highest level of efficiency in the areas of design and manufacture, and a commitment to customer support.
Mr. Paul demonstrated to us the ABT3 Two Person Tripod
The tripod is designed to give a strong, stable and portable anchorage point for fall arrest and recovery systems. Used with a fall arrest device and or a winch, the tripod is the basis of a confined space entry and rescue system.
For details/products' info, please visit www.abtechsafety.com or you may contact:-
Mr. Paul Abtech Safety Ltd
Tel : Fax : Email :

Visit Rescue 3 (UK) & Canolfan Tryweryn
Rescue 3 (UK) has been delivering swiftwater rescue training and certifying instructors in the UK since and is the UK agency of Rescue 3 International.
Dam-controlled river providing clean and controlled swiftwater training environment
Specifically modified, dedicated swiftwater training site.
Modern fully equipped five classroom training centre situated on the banks of the River Tryweryn.
Extensive personal Protective Equipment and technical equipment stores,
Centrally located with numerous rivers and tidal rapids within easy reach of the training centre.
Excellent selection of accommodation in the locality.
Rescue 3 (UK) Swiftwater Rescue Training The recommended training for fire service personnel who may be undertaking rescues in a swiftwater environment is the Swiftwater Rescue Technician Unit 1 (SRT 1) course). This is a 3 day course that looks at rescue techniques in a swiftwater environment and is favoured by fire bridges within the UK and overseas.
On completion of the SRT Unit 1 candidates can progress onto the Swiftwater Rescue Technician Advanced (SRT A) course, which builds on the techniques learnt in the SRT 1 course and introduces night operations, search and team management issues, and then onto the Swiftwater Rescue Technician Level 1 Instructor (SRT 1 Instructor), which allows you to deliver First Responder and SRT 1 courses.
For those who are interest to register for training course : Swiftwater Rescue Technician Unit 1 (Based in UK), please contact:-
Vol. Lt. Anita Lim The Malaysian Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association Tel : Fax : Email :
To know more about Rescue 3 (UK), please visit www.rescue3.co.uk or you may contact:-
Mr. Paul O'Sullivan Managing Director Rescue 3 (UK) & Canolfan Tryweryn The National White Water Centre, Frongoch, Bala, Tel : Fax : Email :

Visit Ruth Lee Limited
Ruth Lee Limited located at London Road, Corwen, Denbighshire, North Wales.
The company design and manufacture a wide range of fire and rescue equipment and with over 30 years experience are now widely recognized as the market leader within the UK.
They currently supply 98% of the UK's Fire Services, Police forces and Ambulance sevices. They also have a 5 year contract with the British Ministry of Defence (MOD).
Some of Ruth Lee Products:-

Training dummies/ mannequins
Kit Bags and Personal Equipment
RTA sharp edge protector kits
Cylinder Covers and BA Ancillary Equipment, eg: Guide Line Bag, Personal Line Pouch, Facemask Bags, Ocscuration Masks, B.A. Set Holdall...
Helicopter Loading Bags, Medic Trauma Bag, Resuscitator Case, Mass First Responder Case, Rope/Line and Equipment Bags,
Protection Suit Holdalls : Gas Tight and Chemical Protection Suit Bags
Stretcher Protection Cover : Scoop Stretcher Protection Cover, Long Board c/w head Immobiliser Cover, Immobiliser Set Bag
Water Sling, Life Jacket Holdalls
Many of their products can be made to your own specification and in a variety of materials and colours.
For details/products' info, please visit www.ruthlee.co.uk or you may contact:-
Mr. Lawrence Lee Company Secretary Ruth Lee Limited London Road, Corwen, Denbighshire, North Wales. Tel : Fax : Email :

Met Mr. Chris Ward, the operations Manger for Medical Gas Solutions Limited
Medical Gas Solutions is a supplier and a service organisation offering the most innovative, lightweights and user friendly equipment for medical, dental and emergency applications.
The company offers a complete range of products including portable oxygen inhalers, multi-patient oxygen systems for major incidents, resuscitation equipment and portable pain relief delivery systems.
Portable Emergency Oxygen Cylinder Supply Smaller cylinders with 300 bar integral valve and regulator Traditionally oxygen cylinders carry gas compressed to 137 bar; by increasing the pressure to 300 bar, the quantity of gas and therefore the duration of supply is greatly extended.
For details/products' info, please visit www.medicalgassolutions.co.uk or you may contact:-
Mr. Chris Ward Operations Manager Medical Gas Solutions Limited Unit 19, Manor Industrial Estate, Bagillt, Flint, Tel : Fax : Email :
Blizzard Survival jacket

Emergency Application
Visit Blizzard Protection Systems Ltd
The story of Blizzard's development is simple. The founding directors are all active mountaineers and outdoor sports enthusiasts, so we have a passionate interest in creating the best equipment to keep ourselves and fellow enthusiasts alive, and enabling them to perform at their best.
The idea of Reflexcell™ was born 15 years ago - a super-lightweight material which would provide unprecedented thermal performance in the most demanding conditions. The rest is history: years of development, prototyping and testing until we were sure we had the material absolutely right.
The company is based in Bethesda, North Wales, in the Snowdonia National Park. Not the biggest mountains in the world, but an excellent proving ground offering some truly challenging weather conditions.
All of our development work and manufacturing is carried out in house. Not only do we make our own products - we rely on them for our personal survival.
For details/products' info, please visit www.blizzardpack.com or you may contact:-
Blizzard Protection Systems. Unit 7 Coed y Parc Bethesda
United Kingdom
Tel : Fax : Email :

COMMUNITY EMERGENCY SQUAD The Community Emergency Squad (CES) is initiated by YB Datuk Ong Tee Keat, the Ampang Jaya MP on November 9, .
The team is formed for the locals to help their neighbors during community emergencies and they have been actively practicing their skills during realistic exercises an training.
Through the hard work and commitment, the CES members have made their excellent attendance to go through various of emergency response training eg: Fire Fighting, First Respondent, CPR, Water Rescue, Boat Handling, Rappelling, Stretcher Rescue and more.
- CES Training : Rescue Boat Operation - CES Training : Water Rescue - CES Training : Victim Immobilize - CES Training : Rope Rappelling - CES Training : Hose Handling - CES Training : CPR (Child & Infant)
Launching Ceremony of Community Emergency Squad Date : 15.08., 6.30pm at Dewan Bakti Nusa, Bandar Baru Ampang

FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS CAMPAIGN Guest of Honor : YB Datuk Ong Tee Keat The Deputy Minister of Youth & Sport cum Ampang Jaya MP
The Star, Saturday, 13 March Organised by the Ampang Community Centre, the Home Safe Home'' programme touched on safety measures to be taken at home to avoid accidents..... Click here for news' details....

Dengue Community Care Programme In response to the call by The Ministry of Health on the Dengue Alert, MVFRA initiated the Dengue Community Care Programme to support the awareness on Dengue Prevention & control activities.
The objective of the program is to do house to house visit and conduct a free inspection on prevention of mosquito breeding as well as health check.
News Highlighted.....
Kawasan perumahan Pandan lokasi kritikal serangan denggi UTUSAN MALAYSIA, 16 January

MVFRA has always strived to educate the public on various safety procedures through training and practices. In view of the current catastrophic earthquake and the trauma of this disaster, the Association has developed a special program to train children on Fire & Earthquake drill.
This drill was specially designed to cater for orphanage home and the disabled children in the country.
Fire Drill and Earthquake Evacuation Exercise for Rumah Destiny This exercise was conducted for Rumah Destiny on April 17, . It is aim to teach the children on safe evacuation during the fire and earthquake emergencies.
Our special thanks to:-
Your kind contribution and support are highly appreciated.
Click here to view photos...!

Fire Drill and Earthquake Evacuation Exercise for Sunbeams Home Guest of Honor : YB Datuk Ong Tee Keat The Deputy Minister of Youth & Sport cum Pandan MP
Our special thanks to:-
YB Dato' Loy Teik Ngan
Barry Chong, Gan Cheng Lin, Florence Kha, Lynda Thong, Peggy Soo, Hoh Li-Szu, Jacqueline Kok, Hue Sook Sun, Low Ai Ling, Tharumalingam Shal, Connie Wong
SBB Mutual's - Florence Toh, Loy Yan Ping, Chin Ooi Leng, Foong May Ling, Cheow Kok lan, Grace Yeoh, Catherine Chu, Zuraida Bt Ahmad Daud, Kim Theam Soo & Adrian Foo
Secret Recipe
Your kind contribution and support are highly appreciated.
Click here to view photos...!

MVFRA Get Together with YB Datuk Ong Tee Keat The Deputy Minister of Youth and Sport Malaysia February 27,
MVFRA would like express our highest appreciation to YB Datuk Ong Tee Keat for taking his precious time to attend the MVFRA Get Together event.
We are grateful with his encouraging message to all the MVFRA members.

MVFRA Delegation to Malaysia Road Safety Department Meet up with Y.A.S Tuan Suret Singh the Director-General of Malayian Road Safety Department 17 June , Putrajaya
Vol. Lans-Corp. R. Ramakrishan received the Certificate of Appreciation from YB Tan Sri Razali Ismail, the Chairman of Yayasan Salam Malaysia |
From Left : En.Md. Ghani Ibrahim, YB Dato' Ahmad Talib and YB Tan Sri Razali Ismail |

Majlis Penghargaan Misi Tsunami Yayasan Salam Malaysia 18 June
KATA-KATA ALUAN DATUK AHMAD A. TALIB Chairman, Organizing Committee Majlis Penghargaan Misi Tsunami
Penghargaan dari Para Ahli Lembaga Pemegang Amanah dan Staff Yayasan Salam Malaysia :

Perlancaran Kempen Pelekat Bersinar Untuk Motorsikal di Daerah Klang 7 Ogos (Ahad) Dataran Seni Klang, Majlis Pebandaran Klang
Click here for more photos..
To have more about road safety tips, please visit

Hurry, log on www.PanduCermat.org.my to learn all about it !
Great news, kids! If you're aged between 10 and 15, here's your chance to win cash and prizes worth more than RM 10, 000 at the "ROAD SAFETY & ME" POSTER DESIGN CONTEST.
STEP 1 Design a road safety poster with any art material of your choice and include the "You can Make A Difference" message
STEP 2 Download the "Road Safety & Me" officia lcontect entry form, from www.PanduCermat.org.my
STEP 3 Attach the completed form to your orginal artwork and send to: 'Road Safety & Me" poster Design Contest, PO Box , Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, 0 Kuala Lumpur
The top 20 entries from each category will compete for attention at the online voting gallery. If your poster's popular, you're that much closer to wining cash and cool prizes.
 Dirasmikan oleh Y.A.B. Dato' Seri Haji Mohd Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia

Perlancaran Kempen Keselamatan Jalan Raya Musim Perayaan Deepavali dan Aidilfitri 23 October KL Sentral, Kuala Lumpur
Kata-kata Aluan YB Dato' Sri Chan Kong Choy Menteri Pengangkutan Malaysia
Anda Mampu Mengubahnya Apa yang perlu diketahui oleh setiap Pemandu, Penunggang Motosikal dan Pejalan Kaki ?

Being the collaboration partner with Malaysian Helmet Initiatives, MVFRA has taken the challenge to assist in implementing the use of motorcycle and bicycle helmets in the country.
Research on Correct Wearing of Motorcycle Helmet The first research project was conducted on motorcyclists in Klang Valley. Click here to view more photos.....
The second research project was conducted on 800 motorcyclists in Banting, Selangor. Click here to view more photos.....

Implement Bicycle Helmet Projects in Cameron Highlands The project was incorporated with Malaysian Helmet Initiatives - University Malaya, Jabatan Keselamatan Jalan Raya , Jabatan Pendidikan Daerah Cameron Highlands and Johnson & Johnson Malaysia to educate school children on proper wearing of safety helmet.
Click here to view more photos...

The Star Saturday October 22, Have riding helmet, will cycle Some 300 school children in Cameron Highlands, Perak, learn a valuable lesson on road safety, to cycle safely and always wear a riding helmet when they're out cycling .... click here for more news...

Implement Bicycle Helmet Projects in Kuala Terengganu 600 students from 12 schools in Terengganu have been chosen to participate in this project. The schools involved are :-
- SK Pusat Kemaman, Kemaman - SK Kemasik, Kemaman - SK Kampung Nyior, Dungun - SK Pulau Serai, Dungun - SK Jambu Bongkok, Marang - SK Gong Kapas, K.T. - SK Bukit Tunggal, K.T. - SK Telaga Papan, K.T. - SK Bukit Perah, Hulu Terengganu - SK Telaga, Hulu Terengganu - SK Pusat Jertih, Besut - SK Padang Luas, Besut
Click here to view more photos...
To ensure a high level of skills and knowledge, weekly training activities are conducted ...... |



** News Highlighted **
Honorary firefighters
The Star, October 9,
The Chine Press, November 6,
Reducing the risks of fire
The Star, Saturday December 11,
- Escaping a fire
The Star, Saturday January 15,
Reaching out as a volunteer
The Star, Saturday January 15,
Vol. Const. Gerald |
Vol. Const. Rohazmi |

Vol. Const. Rodzi
Vol. Const. Tammie
CONDOLENCE Our Deepest Condolences to Vol. Const. K. Thevindran and Family
on the demise of his beloved father the late Mr. Kandasamy S. Thamboo PIS, PJK on Sunday 3rd July
from All the members of Malaysian Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association

Many children dream of being a firefighter and riding in a fire engine. Now, you can make that dream come alive.
MVFRA Firefighter will visit your party or function to give rides in a operational Fire Engine.
Firefighters will show the children the engine and give them a talk about fire safety and fire engine before taking them on rides and having a play with the helmets and dress ups. Each child takes home a "Fireman Hat" to show their parents and remember their special kinder day.
An experience of a lifetime, a Fire Engine Party is both educational and fun.

Airyl’s 3rd Birthday Party with Uncle Fireman 02 Jan , Damansara

Nathan's Birthday Party with Uncle Fireman 22 May

Nicholas' Birthday Party with Uncle Fireman 25 June , Taman Bukit Maluri

Niklas "n" Robin's Birthday Party with Uncle Fireman 17 December

Kai's Birthday Party with Uncle Fireman 17 December
For those who are interested, please email us at for further arrangement.
Vehicle Fire This fire incident was responded by MVFRA Fire Operation Unit near Plaza Toll Kesas on 12 July .

Click here to view more photos..!
Road Accident Victim This incident was responded by MVFRA Out-Riders Unit near Federal Highway on 07 August .

Click here to view more photos..!
Date |
Activities |
Jan 02, |
Airyl's Birthday Party |
Jan 25, |
Dengue Community Care Programme (Kempen Kesedaran Menghapuskan Nyamuk Denggi)
Jan 28, |
Fire Fighting Training |
Feb 20, |
MVFRA 14th Annual General Meeting |
Feb 19, (9am – 1pm) |
Motorcycle Safety Rider Programme |
Feb 27, |
MVFRA Get Together with YB Datuk Ong Tee Keat |
March 11, |
Tadika Diana's Fire Kids Club Safety Workshop |
(5 years old), (6 years old) |
April 17, 8pm |
Fire Drill & Earthquake Evacuation Exercise for Rumah Destiny |
April 21 - 22 |
Emergency Response Team Training |
April 27 - 28 |
Emergency Response Team Training |
May 22 |
Nathan's Birthday Party |
June 5 |
PartyFriends' Fire Kids Safety Workshop |
June 17 |
MVFRA Delegation to Malaysia Road Safety Department |
June 18 |
SALAM Tsunami Mission Appreciation Night |
June 20 |
Road Rescue Riders - Marshal Training |
June 25 |
Nicholas' Birthday Party with Uncle Fireman |
July 6 |
First Respondent in Life Saving Training |
July 26 |
Road Safety Marshal for SMK Tmn Maluri (Merentas Desa ) |
August 07 |
Perlancaran Kempen Pelekat Bersinar Untuk Motorsikal |
August 29 |
Emergency Fire Response Team Training |
September 10 |
Motorcycle Safety Riders Program |
September 11 |
Fire Kids' Club Safety Workshop - Ruman Anak Yatim kg. Sungai Buaya, Banting |
September 13 |
Emergency Response Team Training |
September 17 |
Motorcycle safety Riders Program |
September 18 |
Partyfriends' Fire Kids Safety Workshop |
September 20 |
Emergency Response Team Training |
September 24 |
Emergency Response Team Training |
September 27 |
Emergency Response Team Training |
October 1 |
Fire Kids Club safety Workshop at Great Eastern Mall |
October 2 |
Basic Jungle Survival Skills for Kids |
October 20 |
Cycle Safely Program for school children in Cameron Highlands |
October 23 |
Perlancaran Kempen Keselamatan Jalan Raya Musim Perayaan Deepavali dan Aidilfitri |
October 24-26 |
Perlaksanaan Program Galakan Penggunaan Topi Keledar Basikal di Kuala Terengganu |
October 30 |
Fire and Earthquake Drill for Sunbeams Home |
November 20 |
Nature Ranger Camp |
November 274 |
Nature Ranger Camp |
December 11 |
Niklas & Robin's Birthday Party with Uncle Fireman |
December 11 |
Kai's Birthday Party with Uncle Fireman |
December 14 |
Fire Kids Club Safety Workshop at Teg Fair, Mines |
December 15 |
Cycle Safety Program at Teg Fair, Mines |
December 30 |
UMRES Flood Operation Training |
December 31 |
UMRES Fire Operation Training |
Coming Activities (For Senior Members only) For members who wish to join and assist in all these training programmes, kindly contact Vol. Lt. Anita Lim as soon as possible.
Jan 19 |
Tactical Fire Operation Training |
March 11-13 |
Leadership & Survival Camp |
Coming Activities (Open for public) |

- National Conference on Disaster Relief - Cycle Safely Programme - Emergency Data Card Launching - True Love Gives - MVFRA 13th Anniversary - Bekalan Bantuan Kepada Orang Asli - Fire Kids Club Safety Workshop - Jungle Survival Training - Nature Ranger Camp - Disaster Emergency Preparedness Orientation

Every of your birthday, you change the battery in you smoke detector. |
Importance of installing and maintaining smoke detectors in your home.
Fire protection in the home must start with smoke detectors. It's give the first warning when a fire breaks out.
The smell of smoke may not wake a sleeping person. Instead, the poisonous gases and smoke produced by a fire can numb the senses and put one into a deeper sleep
Smoke detectors alert people to fire and give them time to escape in a situation where minutes can mean the difference between life and death.
More information