Car Safety Tips
These safety tips are some general common-sense suggestions and is meant as a guideline only. The safety of you and your passengers is most important. However, remember that personal safety is your responsibility. Do what you think best under the circumstances. Above all, stay alert and be cautious.

Familiarize yourself with the vehicle's safety equipment, including hazard lights, windshield wipers, the spare tire, seat belts and door locks.
Always be alert to your surroundings and know how to reach your destination prior to your departure.
Make sure the vehicle always has plenty of gasoline and always refuel before dark.
Do not stop if a passing motorist tells you that something is wrong with your vehicle or if someone bumps you from behind. Pull into the nearest service station or well lit public area. Call the police for assistance.
Always keep doors locked and windows rolled up when driving or when parked. Keep luggage, packages and valuables out of sight. Use the trunk and lock the glove compartment.
Learn emergency vehicles' signals. Police lights are red and blue. Do not stop for flashing white headlights alone. Do not resist in the rare event that a stranger demands your valuables. Your well-being is more important than your belongings.
Do not pick up hitchhikers under any circumstances.
Always be aware of the pedestrian traffic around your vehicle.
Always park in a well-lit area. Have car keys in hand and check in and around the car before entering.
If your car malfunctions on a major thoroughfare, lock the doors, turn on the hazard lights and wait for the police to arrive. If someone offers help, have them call the police.
Do not pull over to assist what may appear to be a disabled car, even if someone tries to wave you down. If you have a cellular phone, you may wish to call the police.
Drive to a service station or store if you need information or directions. Casual street-corner directions are the surest way to get lost.
It is not just enough to make sure that everyone in the vehicle has a seat belt. As parents we need to ensure that each occupant and especially children are secured in a proper and safe seat. (This page contains some general safety tips for car travel and is meant as a guideline only.)
Some vehicles may have child restraint systems built into the vehicle seat bench. Consult Vehicle manual for age and weight limits.
When shopping for a car seat, check that the seat is appropriate for height, weight and muscular development of your child and allows space for child to grow.
Ensure that all child safety seats are properly secured in the vehicle - experts believe that approximately 80% of all safety seats are not properly secured in the vehicle - read the safety seat manual as well as the vehicle manual
it is recommended that you purchase a new car seat for each child - NEVER USE A SEAT THAT IS 10 YEARS OLD OR OLDER
take advantage of any safety programs that check the installation of car seats in your area.
make sure that all children are properly secured in their seats - infant shoulder harness should be tight and you should only be able to put 2 fingers between your child's chest and harness
seat belts should fit low and tightly across child's hips in booster seat.
Children should always be placed in rear seats and never place rear facing infant seats in the front seat. 
No child under 12 should ever be seated in the front seat with an air bag.
It is best never to place infant car seat carriers on tables, but if you do, never be more than an arm's length away and never turn your back on baby.
Never place infant car seat carriers on soft furniture or beds - there is a risk that the seat can turn over and the infant can suffocate.
Don't let children have latex balloons, small toys or food that can cause choking in the car.
Ensure that young children and infants have toys that are safe with no small pieces to choke on.
Lock door while traveling and when you leave the car - but make sure you have the keys first. Never leave children in a car alone.
Have a emergency car kit with flashlight, blankets, and basic tools.
Make sure roof racks and luggage etc, carried on the roof is secure.
While we have tried to provide you with a list of suggestions to help parents when traveling with children to keep them safe, unfortunately, we canít think of everything and it is the responsibility of parents to ensure their childrenís safety.