Public urged to acquire knowledge on fire safety

GETTING A FEEL ...Lee getting some tips from Balasupramaniam on riding a specially equipped Malaysian Volunteer Fire and Rescue Association motorcycle after launching the campaign.

SUBANG JAYA, Sun - The public should make an effort to acquire greater knowledge and skills on fire safety, National Institute of Occupational Safety an Heath chairman Datuk Lee Lam Thye said today.

He said this was because time as vital in fighting fires and saving lives.

"On must remember that the first responders to any fire are those who encounter the fire themselves, either at home or at work.

"The firemen are only the second responders," said Lee after launching the "Zero Fire " campaign at Summit Square.

Also present were Malaysian Volunteer Fire & Rescue Association chief Capt. K. Balasupramanaim, Institute of Engineers Malaysia representative Muhammad Imran Baharuddin, who is also PM Malaysia Sdn Bhd chairman and Ace Synergy Insuracen Bhd chief executive Cliff Lee.

Lee said that "Zero Fire " was a five year and beyond campaign to make people more aware of fire prevention and fire fighting techniques.

The campaign was also targeted at home owners to encourage them to install smoke detectors.

"Here, we urge fire equipment manufacturers and retailers to offer fire prevention and fighting equipment at affordable prices for the benefits of home owners," he said.

On fire safety, the Fire and Rescue Department recommends the PEACE principle. PEACE stands for Prevention, Escape, Alarm, Control and Educate.

Prevention refers to practicing preventive measures; Escape - planning your escape by having drills; Alarm - to install early warning systems like smoke detectors; Control - to have facilities to control and extinguisher fires and Educate - to acquire knowledge in fire safety.

"Like the saying 'fire is a good servant but a bad master'. We cannot do without fire although is is a very destructive element to property and lives it is wrongly applied," said Lee.


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