When fire strikes, seconds count.
A prearranged and practiced home escape plan can help your family get out alive.


Fire Safety in the Home
Home Safety Inspection
You CAN Improve Fire Safety In Your Home. Start by making a fire safety inspection of your home. Check your house or apartment room by room to see which of these fire hazards you can find. Then take action to correct them!

Inspection Hints and fixes

  • Remove piles of stored newspapers or other rubbish. Newspapers stored in a damp, warm place may ignite spontaneously.

  • Check for overloaded outlets or old or frayed extension cords.
  • Replace fuses of the wrong size.
  • Keep matches and lighters out of the reach of children.
  • Flammable liquids (cleaning fluids, contact adhesives, etc.) or aerosols stored near the range or other heat source. Remember, even a pilot light can set vapors on fire. Dispose of outdated or empty cans properly.


Safety Tips

  • Remove all materials on or near your stove that could catch on fire, including paper, dishcloths, etc.
  • Put a box of baking soda and a large pot lid next to your stove. Get a kitchen fire extinguisher and learn how to use it.

  • Remove electrical cords from under rugs, those nailed to walls and behind radiators. Replace old damaged cords.

  • Move flammable liquids stored near stoves or other heat source to a safe, distant location.

  • Test your smoke detector regularly.



10 tips for fire safety

Planned Escape From Fire
Simple Steps to Survive Fire
Fire Extinguisher at Home
Fire Safety in Highrise Building

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